Hey there, I'm fzxu. I (am hoping to) write about coding, system design and all other technical stuffs that I know (or would like to explore) here. Any comments/discussions are greatly welcomed (please).
Here are some things that I've been working on lately:
I bought Turing Pi 2 a while ago, but recently just got all the parts ready (finally) so working on building a private cloud (homelab) with it. Check here for a list of blog posts I made about this project.
blog, a static blog generating tool which powers this website. Yes, it's still a working in progress.
OpenCoder is an open-source light-weight "serverless" collaborative coding and execution site, powered by codapi and PeerJS. I hacked it up during a long weekend and still tons of work ahead!
cosmo is a 3D graphics engine in terminal, which can generate cool animation like this. Initially wrote in Python, but later rewrote in Rust to learn the language.